
Friday, March 18, 2022

Classroom News

Reading Workshop

We have been learning all about the elements of poetry during reading workshop and have been having fun learning about how poems look and sound. We have also been practicing identifying literary devices such as: repetition, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.


Sight Words

The students continue to do a great job with our sight word routine each week. It is important to review the sight word cards in your child's blue book bag to help them become more confident and fluent readers when they recognize these words in the books they are reading. The poetry folder is a great way to practice these words as well!


We are currently learning strategies to recognize and solve addition and subtraction problems. Students have had many opportunities to practice these skills with hands-on materials as well as representing their thinking with number sentences.

Writing Workshop

During writing time, we have been focusing on adding detail to our writing and remembering to leave spaces between words. Some students have been transitioning from writing one sentence on a topic to two or more sentences as they become ready for this step. The children continue to grow and develop as writers, and it is amazing to see how far they have come since the beginning of the year!


The students have been doing a great job learning how to write their first and last names. We have also continued to review and practice our lowercase letters in our handwriting books and during writing workshop time. For students who are working to strengthen their fine motor skills, the following activities are great ways to practice at home.


Recently during our social emotional learning, we learned what it means to be nervous and where we can find that emotion on the mood meter. Then we practiced taking a "meta-moment" by taking deep breaths in through our nose and out through our mouths to help us practice how we can calm our bodies to be our best selves.

Enjoy your Spring Break!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Classroom News

We have had a busy and exciting month back from winter break! Here is a little bit about what we have been up to in Kindergarten recently:

Reading Workshop

We have been learning all about the elements of fictional stories in reading workshop, and have been practicing identifying characters, setting, a problem/solution in the story if there is one, and retelling the main events that take place. It is a good idea to ask your child basic questions about books you read at home to get them into the habit of talking about what they've read!

Sight Words

The students continue to do a great job with our sight word routine each week. It is important to review the sight word cards in your child's blue book bag to help them become more confident and fluent readers when they recognize these words in the books they are reading. The poetry folder is a great way to practice these words as well!


We are wrapping up our shapes unit in math, where we reviewed 2D shapes, and learned about 3D shapes. We also worked on using shapes to make pictures, using flat shapes to make solid shapes, and patterns! Next we will begin working on addition and subtraction.

Writing Workshop

We continue to work on sounding out words to communicate an idea in a complete sentence. Writing is an easy activity to practice at home as well! Students can draw a picture and write about it, write about an experience or outing, or help make a grocery list!


We have now introduced the correct formation for all numbers, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters!


Recently during our social emotional learning, we explored the idea of our best selves. We learned that when we are our best selves, we make good choices, do the right thing, and make others feel good.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Classroom News

I hope everyone has had a restful weekend and stayed cozy in this blustery weather! Here is a little bit about what we have been up to in kindergarten: 

Reading Workshop
Our reading workshop routines are underway, and in our first unit students have begun to develop an understanding of themselves as readers and the different genres of text that interest them. We have also practiced how to actively engage in conversations during reading workshop time by asking questions and expressing our opinions about the books we are reading. 

Sight Words 
The students continue to do a great job with our sight word routine each week. We have now learned the following words. Continued practice with these words will help students gain confidence as they begin learning how to read. 
I, can, a, an, see, the, like, look, go, to, do, am, at, no, so, for, or, we, me, he, she 
We have just begun Chapter 4 in math, which focuses on composing and decomposing numbers through 5, ordering numbers 0-10, using our fingers to count, adding one more to a number, and comparing number values using more and less. 
Writing Workshop 
Now that we have completed our Jolly Phonics instruction, we now have more time to put those letter sounds into practice as we sound out words to write labels and an idea about our drawings. Continued practice with the Jolly Phonics sounds will help make our kindergarten authors more confident in attempting to write words independently! 
We have now introduced the correct formation for all numbers and uppercase letters. We have moved on to lowercase letter formation and have introduced the following letters so far: 
c, o, s, v, w 

Guest Readers 
The students have been so excited to welcome our special guest readers! Thank you for sharing your love of reading with us!

Thanks again to our amazing parent volunteers for the fun we had at our Halloween parties! These adorable kindergarteners had a blast!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

What's Happening?

 I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful fall weather this weekend! Don't forget the students have a short week ahead, with parent teacher conferences falling on Thursday and Friday. I am looking forward to meeting with you all and sharing the amazing progress your kindergartener has made so far this year! Here's what we have been up to recently:

Jolly Phonics

We continue to learn new sounds each week and review the sounds we have previously learned. This week we began introducing double-letter sounds. Using our Jolly Phonics book at home to practice naming letters and sounds has ben very helpful. Keep up the great work kinder friends!

These are the sounds that have been introduced so far:

s, a, t, i, p, n, ck

e, h, r, m, d, g

o, u, l, f, b, j, z, w, v

y, x, qu, ch, sh, th

Sight Words

The students continue to do a great job with our sight word routine each week. We have now learned the following words:

I, can, a, an, see, the, like, look, go, to, do, am, at


We just wrapped up Chapter 2 in math, where we spent time focusing on identifying numbers that were one more, one less, or the same as a given number. We also paired sets of objects to compare numbers and determine how many more or less the second set of objects had compared to the first set. We have just begun Chapter 3, which focuses on ordering objects by size, length, or weight.


We recently received new literacy materials and training to support guided reading in kindergarten. Although our official guided reading instruction will not begin until January, students will begin to bring home books that match their reading levels after parent- teacher conferences. 


The children continue to develop their fine motor skills and confidence as they learn to write letters and numbers. 

So far, the students have learned how to write the following letters and numbers.

Letters: F, E, D, P, B, R, V, W, X, Y, Z, C, O, Q, G, S, A

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

Me Bags

We loved getting to know our kindergarten friends as they took turns presenting their all about me bags. We learned about family members, pets, favorite places, hobbies, toys, colors, and foods! Check out our slideshows below to see what items were most important to our kindergarteners! 

Morning Class

Afternoon Class

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Classroom News

I hope everyone had a great weekend and is looking forward to another exciting week ahead! Below are a few tidbits about what we've been up to in kindergarten! 

Jolly Phonics

We are learning new sounds each day and beginning to apply them as we learn to write and read words. We have introduced the following sounds so far:

s, a, t, i, p, n, ck

e, h, r, m, d, g

o, u, l, f, b, j, z, w, v

Sight Words

The students are eager to learn our new sight words each week, and they are doing a great job highlighting our poems. We have now learned the following words:

I, can, a, an, see, the, like, look


We continue to work on numbers 1-10. We are learning to write, count, and compare numbers. We are also learning how to represent numbers in a variety of ways including using ten frames, which helps lay the building blocks for addition and subtraction. These skills are often reinforced during our daily calendar routine.


We have begun our phonemic awareness routine and are currently learning the following skills:

Reviewing letters and sounds


Identifying beginning and ending sounds in words

Segmenting and blending compound words

Substituting word parts to make new words


The children continue to develop their fine motor skills as they are learning to write letters and numbers. We can see their hand strength and confidence growing each week. 

So far, the students have learned how to write the following letters and numbers.


F, E, D, P, B, R, V, W, X, Y, Z

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

AM Class

PM Class

Friday, September 17, 2021

Classroom News

 What's Happening?

Jolly Phonics

The students continue to do a nice job learning our Jolly Phonics sounds. Keep reviewing the sounds we have learned with your child at home! They are gaining more and more confidence with these skills each day! We have introduced the following sounds so far:

s, a, t, i, p, n, ck

e, h, r, m, d, g

Sight Words

We continue to add new sight word cards to our baggies each week, and highlight new poems in our poetry folders. The students have now learned the following words:

I, can, a, an


We just wrapped up our first math unit, which focused on an in-depth look at the numbers 1-5. We will begin our next math unit next week, which is similar to the first unit, but now focusing on numbers 1-10. A letter will be coming home in your child's folder next week with more information.


The past two weeks we have been reading stories that focus on letters of the alphabet and how we can use letters to make words, our sight words, and even our names!  A few of our stories touched on the importance of everyone's unique names. We enjoyed the following books together on these topics:

The Name Jar


Alphabet Adventure

Alphabet Mystery 

Alphabet Rescue


We continue to practice how to hold our pencils with a firm and proper grip and are learning to write our letters and numbers with good formation. The occupational therapists in our district have noticed a need for further practice with activities that would develop fine motor skills and hand strength. Here are some activities you can do at home with your child. They are beneficial for all of our early learners!

So far, the students have learned how to write the following letters and numbers:

Letters: F, E, D, P, B, R

Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

AM Photos

PM Photos

Friday, September 3, 2021

Classroom News

What's Happening?

Jolly Phonics

The students are doing a great job learning our Jolly Phonics sounds. We have introduced the following sounds so far:

s, a, t, i, p, n, ck

Sight Words

We have begun our weekly sight word routine. The students learned the following word this week:



We began our first math unit, which focuses on an in-depth look at the numbers 1-5. We have covered the following topics

Number formation and writing practice

Spotting similarities and differences

Different ways to show a given number

Hands-on counting and comparing activities


During the first part of the school year, we have been focusing on building our classroom community and spreading kindness. We have read several stories about building friendships, classroom routines, and including others. The students have had many opportunities to practice these skills at recess and during cooperative play time in the classroom.


We spent some time getting our hands and bodies ready for writing. We learned how we can use simple lines and curves to make letters and numbers, and we even practiced using simple shapes to draw a person who we call "Mat Man". We also practice how to hold our pencils using the proper grip and are learning to form our letters with good formation.